2015 Recap – My Favorite Things!

To ring in the new year (I can’t believe its already January 2016!) I’m making a short list of links that I loved throughout the year!

  1. Gilmore Girls – This TV show explores the always evolving relationship of a mother and her daughter in various stages of life.  Filled with wit, wisdom, and everything in between, this was by far my favorite TV show of the year!

2. Goodreads.com – I’m a reader.  So tracking my reading process is a must and this is the perfect website to help me do it!  I read a total of 43 books this year!

3. My Ukulele – In 2015 I learned how to play the ukulele and for Christmas was given a fantastic version of the instrument!

4. Jane Austen Temporary Tattoos – A student of classics, nothing made me laugh harder than this clever temporary tattoo set that I got in my stocking for Christmas!

5. Coffee!!! – Not only can I rely on my daily caffeine fix, but I get to collect cool coffee mugs!

6. 25 by Adele – I’m really loving Adele’s come back album, that has been in the making for 4 years!

Here’s to a happy 2016, with many more lists and favorites abound!

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